Rear Shock Mount fitting for 944 IRS conversion Pt 3

I was able to visits my uncles workshop and turn down a couple of brass bushes to fit inside the top mount bearing this is because the bolts I'm using is 12mm and the bearing hole is 15mm. I also found out later I used the wrong cutting bit. that's a whole different world.
I also faced of one of the other bushes to give me the offset position I needed for the top mount. when at full extension the shock is vertical and the top mount collar just sits off the forward face, when compressed the shock swings back and because of the off set now sits clear of the back face.
Now that I'm happy with the top and bottom shock mounts I cat fit the new section. I removed the spring plate and A arm then clamped the lower part of the section with panel clamps and adjusted the top till it sat square with a bit of persuasion and also lined up with my previous marking of the highest and lowest position for the mount bolt.

With the upside down, on my back, stuck under the van, not able to move welding done and the spring plate and A arm fitted you can now see the final result.

I'll tidy the lower point and form a radius and then there's just the other side to do, just hope it does not take me 6 month's.