Life before its slumber

Although a lot of my stuff stored in the damp garage was destroyed I’ve managed to recover a few photos of the van before parts started being pulled off. It’s amazing what fresh paint on the wheels and badge can do, and a can of primer can hide all sorts of rust.

A trip to Beetle Bash and with the van parked up ready to watch the drive-in movie. The trophy unfortunately isn't for best paint but for the bug push, didn't realize how sticky the drag strip is until I tried to push a bug down it.
The hippy paint job is for a fancy dress party on the Isle of white. I spent £10 on poster paint, and with some help from friends we got this rolling art piece done in a couple of hours.

The Stonehenge took the longest to do, but my favorite part is the sun burst flames. 

The lyrics that stretch around the bus were penned in with dry marker; well that’s what I thought. As I washed the paint off after the weekend trip, I found strategically placed letters in permanent marker spelling out all sorts of rude words!